Looking back,I felt that I have been such a silly billy,getting so upset and angry over certain stuff,losing my precious sleep and patience with the people around me...Now that I have mellow down,I learnt to take things easily,not totally with a lacklustre attitude,but not so uptight and rigid as before...Try out new sport,activity or do stuff that I have always enjoy...As a result,I sign up for knitting class,which my design lecturers will most likely bend over with laughter or a look of dsbelief,for I had been a very impatient student last time...haha...Make it a point to surround myself with dear friends whenever we can,and purchase new recipes books,an habit which I sworn off previously...hahaa...Bought one cookbook on brewing soups,yum,nourishing and soothing,especially good for someone like me who do not drink much water...haha..
Hi,divorced mum,I guess I am indeed lucky,may you find happiness in your child and the things you do :)
Enn,I am still not comfortable with showing photos of myself as I feel that if my students were to stumble upon my blog,that will open a floodgate of controvesy and comments,which I deem unnecessary for this blog document my private life and some of my inner thoughts....Hope that answer your question....