Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Appearance can be deceiving

Our dinner,pasta bolognese filled with veggies such as carrots,celery,button mushrooms,tomatoes and shredded chicken,though for clover,her pasta was vegetable spirals,which has added antioxidant in it....

Brought clover to the polyclinic for her 18th month developmental assessment,was told that shes a big and tall for her age,well,nothing new,heard that comment all the time from family and strangers alike...As we were about to leave,the nurse threw in this advice,cut down on snacks...???Simple enough yet seem like a tall order when clover is steer off candies,cakes,chocolate and the likes,her tea-times comprised of fresh fruits,baby yoghurt,oatmeal,steamed carrots,pumpkins,manago,avocado...As for the bakes,she only get to enjoy a morsel of it once in a long while,hardly called worthy of a slice...Told this to the nurse,who went "oh wah!a healthy diet ,keep it up!!"There u go,despite her size,clover indeed is eating wisely,haha...much to the surprise of everyone around her...haha...Hmm...If only the mother can be just as disciplined,gosh,I can shake off those flabs without much difficulty,wouldn't I ?haha....

Neck-rest banana chiffon cake

It does resemble one,doesn't it?haha.The cake can be further improved,for sure,and I learnt that I ought to wait till the cake is completely cooled before inverting,which in a haste,I did not do so,the cake is meant to be baked in 25-inch chiffon bakeware,but as I only have a 23-inch,I simply poured it till 1/2 full,hence the height is not as tall as I liked it be.The cake is light,airy with the lingering aroma of bananas with every bite,it is so addictive that I forsake my strict dieting,haha...,Offered my friend a ride home,she spied the Barney neck pillow resting on the car seat and commented,"U bought that for your ger?Arent you indulging her far too much?"Haha...Unabashedly,I am pampering her too much,being the only child ,I suppose I want the best for her,huh?Oops,must be careful for I certainly do not want a spoilt brat...As clover gets older,it is a challenge to balance the scales...hmm..any parenting strategy,anyone?hehe...

Banana Chiffon Cake(adapted from recipebazar.com with modifications)
2 cups flour(I used top flour,flour with less protein will result in a light-texture cake)
3 tsp baking powder
1 1/2 cup sugar(I reduced it to 1 1/4 cup)
1/2 cup oil
6 egg whites
1 cup mashed bananas,mixed with 1 tbsp lemon juice
4 egg yolks
2 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp cream of tartar

1.Preheat oven to 180 degree celcius.

2.In bowl,sift flour and baking powder,blend in oil,mashed bananas,milk and beat well.Add in half the recommended amount of sugar and beat.

3.In a clean bowl,make sure bowl is truly clean and dry.Add in egg whites and beat till stiff peaks,adding in rest of sugar and cream of tartar,when peaks are about to form,adding in too soon will result in longer beating time.

4.Fold in banana mixture into egg whites,gently and in one direction,do not stir,as the built-in air structure will be deflated,yielding tough crumbs and hard cake.Pour into 25-inch ungreased chiffon bakeware,to bake for about 40minutes,test cake with wooden skewer.

5. Leave cake to cool before inverting.enjoy with hot cuppa.