Hmmm.......What's this?New version of ondeh ondeh?That was the typical comment I got when I passed this around in the office.Hehe...This is actually my own version of chocolate lamingtons.I baked a sponge cake,taking note to reduce the sugar content,after the cake had cooled,cut into cubes,well,at least I tried to cut into cubes,though some may looked out of shape..haha...Dipped the cubes in melted chocolate mixed with cream and icing sugar,rolled it in dessicated coconut and bingo,chocolate lamingtons.Oh,I also added in a tbsp of orange juice in the chocolate,giving it a tinge of orange fragrance.This cake is best served chilled due to the cream used and its so rich,I could chomped down a couple at one go.Instant way to perk up my moods.Too bad I had to watch my weight,if not I could have this for tea and after meal dessert.Sigh..
I also got try this one.. Also very 9C..
I have tried this! In fact, i have taken another piece without permission. It is simply POWERFUL! I really yearn to eat it again.
Amy Yeo
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