Friday, February 16, 2007

Celebrity Star Chef-My two cents worth

After watching the previous eposide of the competition aired every tue at 8pm which shown a particular contestant being eliminated due to poor food handling hygiene,I cannot help but to share my view.Firstly,the contestant threw away a piece of sliced mango into the dustbin and claimed that it was intentional as he had no space to place it,and will wash it before using the mango.Secondly,he used the same chopping board for meat and strawberries without rinising the board.For all these mistakes which he commited,he was reprimanded severely by Sam Leong who did not award him with any mark and that eventually led to his downfall.I certainly agreed with Sam Leong in that despite the fact that the contestant can cook well,however,if one customer were to suffer from food poisioning,that will certainly spell the end of his career,not to mention the company reputation.Well,some pple may feel that Sam may be too harsh,but bacterial contamination can leads to diarrhoea,fever and severe vomiting which can be fatal should it happen to a young child.My friend who works in MOH has certainly seen her fair share of food posioning cases which is getting more prevalent nowadays.If only one bother to wash the chopping board after slicing meat,and before cutting veggies,that can reduce risk of bacteria transmitting from the meat to the veggies.In my house,I use two plastic chopping boards,one for meat and one for veggies,wood is not a good choice as it harbour bacteria easily.Always clean the work area ,and not being too messy can go a long way to prevent the cook from getting flustered too.As Anthony Bourdain once puts in"You wanna be a cook?Then work clean!!"My charges have this annoying habit of tasting the food with a teaspoon and after added in more seasoning or water,dipped the same spoon into the food without rinising.Goodness,that certainly drove me berserk.Haha...wonder if some viewers encounter this same problem.By being a little more cautious,we can drive the stomach flu virus away.Have u been a clean chef today?Hehe...

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