Over a period of 8 months,clover has grown so much,it is almost unbelievable....From a tiny "blop" who only wailed and smiled,she can now make her intentions known clearly,by saying "urm"whenever she pooed or "mum mum" occasionally when she wants milk,smiling broadly when I approach her with her bottle,haha....
How to fend off boredom is a daily task we have to tackle,for she will keep on whining,till we hand her things of interest,haha....Luckily,tearing of tissue paper still tops her list and is easily available,and she will attack the whole box with great gusto,happily shredding the paper to bits,haha...Sitting on the sofa used to be her favourite spot until she discover walking can take her places,haha...Hopefully,she will walk on her own unaided,for now she does enjoying being led by us....hehe...A wonderful imitator of sorts,she can minic the sounds we made,even repeating my actions of feeding her when I gave her a spoon and bowl during feeding times,she will gingerly dipped the spoon into the bowl,and then slowly aimed it into her wide mouth,but alas,it is only for a short while before she find it even more amusing to haul it onto the floor,chuckling loudly...haha...
Having 4 teeth mean that I do not have to puree my food to a fine paste,instead it helps to provide texture to the food and encourage her to chew...A friend had also commented that she can recognise her name,indeed she looks at the person who call her with a "Whatsup" look,haha...It will not be long before she can verbally acknowledge the caller....Oh well,my little cookie is thriving and will embark on another milestone by sitting on her potty next week,wish me luck...haha...One day when clover is old enough to understand words,I will show her this post,hopefully it will still be around...