Strangers keep mistaking clover for a boi boi,whenever I want to purchase clothes for clover,I will be shown the boys clothes wagon first by sales assistants who assume...Still remembered there have been occasions when I was selecting clothes at pasar malam,after picking up some pink tops,the auntie went"er...these clothes are meant for girls"..haha...According to the older folks,since clover looks so boyish,there is a high chance of us conceiving a boi the next time...hmm...wonder if any of you heard of that before?
How can I blame them since even my parents and lao gong also feel the same way...hehe...well,to me ,it is not entirely a bad thing after all,for hand me down from relatives does not pose much of an issue...apart from going out when I need to dress her up in cutie dress and pink clothes,most of the time,she is clad in t-shirts and shorts....
At 7 mths old,clover stands at 71cm,weighs 9.3kg,big baby indeed ...haha..outgrowing her clothes at a rapid rate mean that I have to purchase clothes for her every couple of months,as it is,I only look for clothes aged 12mths and above...Hopefully,she can walk soon,everyone is now complaining of aching arms....haha...
Well,Berto,while I do not deny the possibility that the kids may have come up with the money on their own, either that or they possess eagle eyesight(sharp and bright-eyed)....In this case,I gave them the benefit of the doubt,as I feel it can be contradicting for the kids if I praise them to be honest to return found stuff,yet I doubt them if they really found it...Besides,I guess nobody likes to be to be accused of being untruthful....
what I am trying to share is that kids ,like adults thrive on praise...Praise and reward enforcements work so much better to yield desired behaviour and is always more effective than nag,cajole or worse,corporal punishment....though some parents may believe in sparing the rod and spoil the child....The very last resort?...hehe..
Hi,OK,that is an interesting do I pronounce it?Though initally,like what you had mentioned ,I too had the perception that you signed off as okay,but I thought that was rather odd...thanks for clearing the air...haha..
Nattalie,thanks for sharing....I can certainly understand your predicament,Im Nan here...though some of my friends will call me little nan nan if you read some of my past comments....haha...
Er..SE ,the bakery has been left vacant for some time,as I am too tired to really do much,perhaps I will continue with it after I attained my HO licence,thanks for pointing it out...As for planting my own herbs and plants,I did try once many donkeys years ago,however it turned out to be a failure...despite articles mentioned that basil is a hardy plant,one of the easiest to maintain,the plant still wither and died after one week,I still yet to find out the cause though,as I watered religiously,place it under the sunlight for couple of hours and placed me...haha...
Hey Nan, what is the HO licence stand for? why do you need it? Oh, it's just a good feeling browsing through your bakery site..not sure why, but it make me feel satisfied just reading and seeing the pictures of the cakes, cookies etc you made. Interesting! I might try them one day.. let us know when you obtain your HO licence,k.
It's pronounce as O_k, actually it's the same sir name as Sharon Au in Mandarin pronounce. Your baby is a cutie. Look at her eyes!! not sure if she is more like you or your husband. But from the previous picture, your husband seems like a very tall and well-build man.
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