Saturday, September 15, 2007


Was given queer looks and not-so-encouraing remarks when I announced that I want to be a stay-at-home mum...."Are you sure?","Its boring,ya know,and not enough sleep","Can you handle without help,besides you cant even sit still,and you want to settle to stay at home?""what about your dept,and your classes?,who's going to manage them?"One male colleague even shared with me how his wife shattered all the plates at home,lashed out at him after being a stay at home mum,and being bored,frustrated,exhausted was unable to take it anymore...Even my mum and my gynae were skeptical that I can make it too...haha...for in their opinion,I cherish my freedom too much...hmm...despite their comments,I was determined to stick to my guns...after all,clover will only be an infant for a year or two before she starts to irks me with her endless questions of why what and how....haha...Career,i feel,can take a backseat for now,but clover will grow up too soon too fast,and I want to create memories...hence,the starting of this blog too to document my thoughts and her growth,hehe....

Of course,needless to say,there were moments of boredom,facing a baby 24 hours of the day,7 days a week can really wears me out..perhaps,engaging the service of a part-time bbsitter is not a bad
idea after all,then I can pamper myself and be a hdb taitai....haha....Armed myself with nursery rhymes dvd,er...theres a limit to the nursery rhymes I know,unfortunately,haha...I will play and dance in front of clover,keeping her amused and sometimes,she chuckles while I find it a great way to battle those post-pregnancy excuse for not exercising...haha...Understanding friends of mine now knows that I comes in a 1+1 package whenever they meet up with me over tea or dinner on a weekday to avoid the crowds
(air-borne infections transmit easily in such places) is also a therapuetic way for me to destress too..hehe...In a nutshell,taking care of her is not as bad as I thought,for having established a good bedtime routine without patting her to sleep,I was able to keep my sanity during the days,interrupted routine only started when she started weaning,which I figure oatmeal cereal does the trick..hehe..good,old,trustworthy oatmeal..

Clover weighs 8.4 kg,stands at 68cm at 5 mths old,which makes her a big bb at 97 percentile,a large baby,no doubt,thanks to her daddy's tall genes,she need not cut down on her feeds,which I give to her on demands,not schedule...Se,I am not sure about your bb's weight,it will be best to check with the doctor,for nurses have told me that some babies need to cut back on their feeds as they are heavy but height is of a low percentile..Geez,need to get new clothings for clover again,haha...time for another shopping trip...yeah...


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your advice! Enjoy your motherhood..

Anonymous said...

I think seeing the smile on your little clover will makes up everything for you.... she is such cutie! keep up the good job, mummy!!