Monday, September 3, 2007

GOOD Health begins young

Healthy eating is not extended to solely humans ,as one can guage from the photo,well,that is if you can figure out what my brother's dog,whiskey is chomping on...haha...Pardon for the poor photography skills,I admit I do need lots of fine-tuning in this of my ex-colleague even remarked that my photos looked like a scene from ghost movie,either the faces were disfigured or the background is a distant blur...haha...As for this photo,my brother commented that his dog resembled a lion with his fangs bearing for all to see...haha....

Enough of my not worth mentioning "talent",lets me reveal something interesting about Whiskey...Hes a vegetarian doggie,no kidding,strictly no meat and no fish since hes a yelping pup...hehe...Its been 4 yrs now and he has grown into a strong,noisy,active young doggie with a loud bark...Fresh,crunchy carrots which are shown in the photo is in his personal list of favourite foods,which also include raisins fluffy bread roll,apples,durians,boiled broccoli,cheese snacks(meant for dogs only) and hot boiled mashed eggs...As a result,his health status is tip-top with the all-clear from the vet when brought there for his yearly visit,no dental problem,no foul breath which plague some dogs,a shiny coat and wats amazing is that he only suffer from flu once in his four years,which was his once and only time when he was sick...

Hmm..I guess I can learn from this as well,which again goes to prove that fresh fruits and vegetables does strengthen one's immunity,animals included...haha..So far,clover seem to like her broocoli and spinach too...hope that will make her strong like "popeye the sailor man"?...haha...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so is your baby a vegetarian? cause i am thinking of making my baby to be a vegetarian.
