Thursday, December 6, 2007

A good lesson learnt today

No matter how much I try,at times I fail to be viligant enough,and thats when accidents occur...Met up with a friend for lunch,clover was sitting merrily in the highchair,with the strap snugly around her waist ,playing with her toys and curiously scanning the strangers around her...Mistake no 1 I made was having her sitting besides me,facing her would be a better option,but given the space constraint,sometimes,this was not so feasible..Somehow,clover slipped,the strap tightened around her neck,making it impossible to cry out...I was tucking into my food and chatting with friends when I felt a tug on my shirt....To my alarm,clover was strangled!!Immediately,I released the buckle,one hand supporting her lower body,thank goodness,my little ger was saved in the nick of time,had she not tagged at my shirt,I shuddered to think what could have happen....

A lesson learnt today,one that I like to share and reflect upon....I hope that does not make me a lousy mum though,hehe...This incident make me more cautious,it did not deter me from meeting friends for meals,but whenever possible,I like to place clover in the pram from now onwards,thank you,no highchair for now please...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

why is your friend sitting opposite you chatting with you not seeing this happening??!!! lucky that your little girl is all right... take care and be careful next time... kind regards from HP