Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Purple potato bread

Risen dough

Woa,now that my lao gong is clearing his annual leave,this is the best timing to try out baking new goods,haha...with him attending to clover,I tried to bake this bread which I saw posted in a forum,and has many good reviews...My first attempt failed miserably,having a high tolerance for heat,the so-called "warm" water was a tad too hot,killing all the yeast cells,hence dough was a dough after baking for half an hour...haha...the bread did not rise and the interior was still raw and wet...oops....Undeterred,I head to the supermarket to buy another pack of flour,this time round,what you see is what I get,Danny commented that it is soft,fluffy while stanley feels that this would go well with mushroom soup or just jam,peanut butter...As for clover,she take it au natural,hehe...Fresh bread from the oven without preservatives,maybe if time permits,I will bake other types for clover again...hehe..

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